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The mysterious 'lifeform' was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence.(Agencies) |
If the aliens really are landing, this latest picture seems to confirm that their first port of call on Earth will be Russia. After other claims of extraterrestrial life turning up in Siberia, the latest is from a Russian woman who says she kept a frozen alien corpse in her fridge. The mysterious 'lifeform' was reportedly kept by Marta Yegorovnam in her fridge in the western Russian city of Petrozavodsk for two years, while she took five pictures to prove its existence. The 'body', the third alien sighting in Russian in recent months, was reportedly retrieved by Miss Yegorovnam from a UFO crash site near her summer house in 2009. She says she approached the flaming wreckage and crumpled metal which she described as 'unbearably hot' and near the twisted hulk lay the dead alien. The 'creature' is two feet long, has an enormous head, large bulbous eyes and an appearance somewhere between a fish and a humanoid. It also appears to have what looks like a string-like arm protruding from its body. Naturally, Miss Yegorovnam did what most would in the same situation and stored the alien in her fridge for two years, according to Unexplained Mysteries. The website reported that two men turned up at her home a few days ago and confiscated the corpse for investigative purposes, claiming to be from the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The footage was unearthed by noted paranormal writer and expert Michael Cohen. Mr Cohen, 40, said: 'This could be an elaborate hoax, however the possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be discounted. 'Russia is a hotbed of UFO activity and possible alien craft has been tracked by both military and civilian agencies. 'In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us, much like this specimen.' This latest claim from Russia comes after footage filmed in August in the remote Irkutsk region of Siberia appeared to show a strange glowing craft and five aliens walking about in the snow. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies)
如果外星人真會登陸地球,那么這張最新照片似乎可以證明他們的首個著陸點將會是俄羅斯。 俄羅斯一名女性近日稱,她在冰箱中冷凍了一具外星人尸體。此前,俄羅斯的西伯利亞地區(qū)出現(xiàn)過多起外星生命目擊事件。 據(jù)報道,瑪塔?葉戈羅夫納姆把這一神秘的“生命軀殼”冷凍在冰箱中長達兩年之久,這處住所位于俄羅斯西部城市彼得羅扎沃茨克,而且她還拍攝了五張照片留證。 有報道稱,2009年,葉戈羅夫納姆小姐在其避暑別墅附近的UFO墜毀現(xiàn)場取回了這具“尸體”。這已經(jīng)是近幾個月來俄羅斯的第三起外星人目擊事件。 她說,她走近燃燒的殘骸,金屬材料嚴重變形,掀起的熱浪難以忍受,外星人的尸體就躺在變形的殘骸附近。 “外星人”長約2英尺,頭部巨大,長著大大的球狀雙眼,外貌看起來介于魚類和人類之間。 它的身體外凸出的胳膊像繩子一樣細長。 據(jù)“難解之謎”網(wǎng)站報道,葉戈羅夫納姆小姐很自然地做了在當時的情況下大多數(shù)人都會做的事,把尸體冷凍在冰箱里長達兩年之久。 該網(wǎng)站報道,幾天前,有兩名自稱來自俄羅斯科學研究院卡累利阿研究中心的男子來到葉戈羅夫納姆的家,以研究為由將這具尸體沒收。 著名超自然現(xiàn)象作家兼專家邁克爾?科恩發(fā)現(xiàn)了這些照片。 40歲的科恩說:“這可能是一場精心編排的騙局,不過也不能排除這的確是一具外星人尸體的可能。” “俄羅斯是UFO比較活躍的地方,軍方和民間組織經(jīng)常發(fā)現(xiàn)疑似外星人飛船。” “大多數(shù)外星人的長相都很奇怪,這極有可能,就像這具外星人尸體。” 此前,在今年8月份,有人在遙遠的西伯利亞伊爾庫茨克地區(qū)拍到一搜奇異的發(fā)光飛船,還有5個外星人在雪地里四處走。 相關(guān)閱讀 (中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 Julie 編輯:陳丹妮) |
Vocabulary: port of call: 停靠港;沿途靠岸港口 extraterrestrial: 地球外的,宇宙的 confiscate: 沒收,充公 paranormal: 超過正常范圍的,超自然的 discount: 不全相信,懷疑地看待 hotbed: 溫床 in all likelihood: 十有八九,極有可能 |