![]() Sweet dreams: One in four men admit they regularly dream about their ex partners |
The battle against the green-eyed monster is hard enough at the best of times. Now though, jealous women have even more to worry about. A new study has revealed that one in four men regularly dream about their ex-girlfriends. And the results, released today, revealed that the men in question were not necessarily pining for their exes by day. In fact, the majority reported high levels of satisfaction with their current relationship. It is not just ex-partners that British men are dreaming about either. While romantic-minded girlfriends might allow themselves to believe they are the subject of their man's dreams, they are likely to be usurped during nighttime hours by their partner's colleagues or boss - with 26 percent saying they dream of workmates - or even their mother-in-law. Conversely, over a third of British women say they spend their nights dreaming about their current partner, followed closely by dreams about their parents and their children. The Dream Study, carried out by Premier Inn, asked 2,000 Brits about their dream patterns to come up with the findings. It found the close friendships women tend to hold also impact on their dreams, with a third of women claiming their dreams frequently feature their friends. However, it seems women are just as capable of fantasy, as 20 percent say they frequently dream about people they have never met. The stresses and strains of everyday life also affect the way we dream, with 31 percent of people saying they dream about important things that are playing on their mind. Given the current economic climate, it's unsurprising that 20 percent of Brits dream more if they are under pressure, demonstrating that it is increasingly difficult to forget about work. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
平日里風平浪靜的時候和嫉妒作斗爭就已經夠艱難了。 但如今,愛嫉妒的女人們有更多需要擔心的了。一項新調查揭示,四分之一的英國男性經常會夢見自己的前女友。 今日發(fā)布的這一調查結果顯示,會做這種夢的男人不一定白天會想念前女友。事實上,他們中的大多數(shù)人報告說對現(xiàn)在的戀情很滿意。 出現(xiàn)在英國男性夢中的也不是只有他們的前女友。 浪漫的女人們也許會讓自己相信她們是男友夢中的主角,但在男友的夢中,她們的位置很可能會被男友的同事或上司取代。26%的男性說他們會夢見同事,甚至會夢見丈母娘。 與此相反的是,超過三分之一的英國女性說她們晚上通常會夢見自己的現(xiàn)任男友或老公,其次是夢見她們的父母和小孩。 英國酒店Premier Inn開展的這一夢境調查詢問了2000名英國人的夢的類型,從而得出了這些結果。 調查發(fā)現(xiàn),親密的友情也會對女性的夢產生影響,三分之一女性稱自己的好友常會在夢中出現(xiàn)。 然而,女性似乎也善于幻想,20%的女性說她們經常會夢見自己從未見過的人。 日常生活的壓力和負擔也會影響我們做的夢,31%的人說他們會夢見心頭大事。 在當前的經濟環(huán)境下,有20%的英國人在壓力下更多地會夢見和工作相關的事,這并不奇怪。這表明英國人要想把工作拋在腦后將會更難。 相關閱讀 (中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮 編輯:Julie) |
Vocabulary: green-eyed monster: 嫉妒 at the best of times: 在情況最佳時,在最有利的情況下 pine for: 渴望;十分盼望 usurp: 篡奪;奪??;侵占 strain: 負擔,沉重壓力 |