Surgeons in Swansea are using 3D printing technology to rebuild a patient's face which was crushed in a motorbike accident. It works by using images from a CT scan to design implants that are created in titanium by a 3D printer. The groundbreaking work is being led by Morriston Hospital consultant maxillofacial surgeon Adrian Sugar. It is being featured in an exhibition at the Science Museum in London before the operation itself is carried out. There have been cases using custom-made titanium implants to correct congenital conditions, those which arise at birth or shortly after. However, this is thought to be one of the first such reconstructions following an injury. Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board's maxillofacial laboratory services manager and reconstructive scientist Peter Evans said: "The patient suffered trauma and had multiple injuries across his body, including some quite severe facial injuries. "He underwent emergency surgery at the time and we are now at the stage where we can do a proper reconstruction of his face." The project is the work of the Centre of Applied Reconstructive Technologies in Surgery (Cartis). The centre was established in 2006 as a partnership between Morriston Hospital's maxillofacial unit and Product Design and Research (PDR) based at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Cartis aims to make Wales a world leader in the research, development and application of advanced medical technologies in surgery. Mr Sugar and Mr Evans worked with PDR's Sean Peel and Ffion O'Malley to plan the complex surgery, which will involve repositioning the patient's facial bones. They worked from a CT scan that allowed them to create a mirror image of the unaffected side of the patient's face. From this they designed guides to cut and position the bones with pinpoint accuracy, as well as implants tailor-made for the patient. The guides and implants are being produced from medical-grade titanium in Belgium. Mr Evans added: "We have done everything up the point of surgery. The concept of the operation has been virtually designed and we hope to do the work very soon. "The patient's facial symmetry will be restored so he should be back to normal as far as his facial looks are concerned." |
英國斯旺西的外科醫(yī)生正在用3D打印技術來修復一個病人的臉部,該患者的臉在一次摩托車事故中受創(chuàng)。 他們利用CT掃描的影像來設計移植物,該移植物是通過3D打印機用鈦合金打印的。 此項開創(chuàng)性的工作是由莫里斯頓醫(yī)院頜面外科醫(yī)生艾德里安·休格領導的。
之后他們就可以設計指南,在高精確度下切割和重排面骨,并為患者植入為其量身定做的人造面。 該指南和人造面正在用比利時用醫(yī)用鈦合金生產(chǎn)。 埃文斯補充說:“我們已經(jīng)做好了手術的所有準備,希望能快點進行手術。 “我們需要修復患者面貌的對稱性,這樣他就可以恢復正常了?!?/p> (譯者 757876277 編輯 丹妮) |