Women aged 40-49 plumped for Samsung (36 percent), rather than Apple as their one true love. For men, however, the tale is quite different. Their preferred provider is Samsung. When commenters lurch to these pages, their lightsabers raised even higher than their voices, they categorize phones in simple terms. The Samsung Galaxy, is, in an Apple lover's eyes, a big, bad copy of an iPhone. The iPhone, to everyone but an Apple lover, is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie. How odd, then, that a piece of research has just appeared before my exclusive eyes to suggest that women prefer an iPhone. The research, sponsored by cache-cleaning specialists KS Mobile, examined, among many aspects, whether there was a gender bias in phone choice. A fulsome 45 percent of all the women questioned said that they preferred Apple as their mobile device provider. Just in case you wondered whether there might be some locational kinks here, I will disabuse you. Apple was the king, or perhaps queen, in every region of America. The only area in which another brand enjoyed supremacy was in one particular age group. Women aged 40-49 plumped for Samsung (36 percent), rather than Apple as their one true love. For men, however, the tale is quite different. Their preferred provider is Samsung. Yes, gentlemen prefer a Galaxy over an iPhone, although not in quite such severe numbers as the women. The top percentage among men was Samsung's 33. However, again there was one outlying age group that didn't want to go along with the male crowd. Men aged 50-59 preferred Apple (34 percent). Overall, Apple was the preferred brand of 39 percent of the respondents, with Samsung still 10 points behind. It is, perhaps, no surprise that these were the two brands that dominated people's lists. However, one statistic ought to give hope to MicroNokia and other brands that might aspire as they perspire. Twenty-five percent of these 1,000 respondents didn't have a favorite mobile brand. (The survey was conducted online from February 6 to 10.) More precisely, this was made up of 27.3 percent of the men and 23.7 percent of the women. That is surely a huge market, whose heart has not been captured and is clearly ready for love. Just to show you how great a chasm exists currently between some brands and true consumer affection, in this research a mere 3 percent of respondents said that Nokia was their preferred brand. Still, Nokia came ahead of BlackBerry (2 percent) and Microsoft (1 percent). When you think of how many phones seem to be produced and reviewed almost daily, it's quite sad that so many of them inspire little to no enthusiasm. Perhaps engineers and marketing departments ought to huddle more closely and examine what people love and why they love it. Otherwise, Judge Lucy Kohwill spend her whole life listening to Apple and Samsung lawyers drone on about their ultimate righteousness. |
對年齡在40-49歲之間的女性而言,蘋果產(chǎn)品并不是她們的真愛,其選擇三星產(chǎn)品的比例(36%)要高于蘋果。然而,對于男性來說,這個故事又大相徑庭了。他們的首選是三星產(chǎn)品。 當評論家們看到這些文章時,他們的唇槍舌劍甚至蓋過他們的呼聲,他們將手機產(chǎn)品進行簡單分類。 三星Galaxy產(chǎn)品在蘋果粉眼中不過是一個又大又拙劣的iphone仿制品。 撇開蘋果粉不說,iPhone手機對每個人而言僅僅是一個二十世紀80年代的芭比娃娃——科技發(fā)達衍生的小女孩的小玩意。真奇怪,話說回來,近來一項研究表明女人更偏愛iPhone。 根據(jù)緩存清理專家KS Mobile在最新做的調(diào)查顯示,選手機,在很多方面中,是否存在性別偏見呢? 據(jù)悉,在接受調(diào)查的女性中,有45%的人都表示自己在購買移動設備時會優(yōu)先選擇蘋果產(chǎn)品。萬一你好奇其中是否可能存在著區(qū)位問題,那么我會反駁你。 在美國,蘋果是國王。哦,不,應該是女王。 而三星在一個特定的年齡組則享有至高無上的榮譽。年齡在40-49歲之間的女性,蘋果產(chǎn)品并不是她們的真愛,她們選擇三星產(chǎn)品的比例(36%)要高于蘋果。 然而,對男人來說,故事就完全相反啦。他們的首選是三星產(chǎn)品。沒錯,男人喜歡三星銀河系列產(chǎn)品勝于iPhone,雖然其數(shù)量遠遠不及喜歡iPhone的女人。 有33%的男人表示更愛選擇三星產(chǎn)品。然而,還有一個不愿在一群男人堆里附和的邊緣年齡組。據(jù)悉,年齡在50-59歲之間的男性中,34%則偏愛蘋果產(chǎn)品。 總體來看,受訪者選擇蘋果產(chǎn)品的比例要高于三星,其中選擇前者的比例為39%,后者則只有29%。 這也不是什么“新大陸”,蘋果和三星兩大品牌主導著人們在移動設備上的選擇清單。 然而,一項統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)倒是給了諾基亞和其他品牌一些希望,在他們揮汗努力時激勵他們的斗志。2014年2月6號至10號進行的這項網(wǎng)上調(diào)查表明,1000名受訪者中,有25%的人表示自己在移動設備選擇上沒有特別的喜好。更確切地說,男性用戶比例達到27.3%,女性用戶則23.7%。 這無疑是一個巨大的市場,這些用戶的心還未被捕獲,顯然是正準備戀愛呢。 只不過是想向人們表明,當前存在于眾多品牌和真正消費者情感之間的巨大鴻溝,這項研究的受訪者中,只有3%的人說,諾基亞是他們的首選品牌。 不過,諾基亞首選率仍領先于黑莓和微軟,前者只有2%,后者為1%。 想想,似乎每天都有成千上萬的手機被制造出來,引發(fā)各種評論,卻無法激起大家的熱情,這是相當可悲的。 也許設計師和營銷部門應當湊成一團,考究人們到底喜歡什么,以及為什么喜歡。 不然,露西·科法官就得一輩子聽蘋果和三星雙方律師沒完沒了地嘮叨他們的終極正義了。 (譯者 Sinneywu 編輯 丹妮) |