A British man has figured out a way to bring some movie magic to his own backyard. Ashley Yeates, a 30-year-old gardening and construction expert from Bedford, England, constructed a hobbit hole in his garden, modeled after the famous digs of Bilbo Baggins. "It was around the time that the first 'Hobbit' film was due to be released," Yeates told the Daily News. "I'd made previous smaller hideaways and I started thinking about taking it to the next level. I like just building things that are going to shock people." Yeates made the hobbit hole without a blueprint, drawing on his knowledge of the "Lord of the Rings" books by J.R.R. Tolkien. "I had one tiny sketch of bits and bobs, but it came from a vision in my head," Yeates said. "There was no direct research, really. Though, of course, we had watched the films." The completed hobbit hole can comfortably fit three adults. But when Yeates unveiled the project at a party over the summer, the neighborhood children didn't mind squishing a bit. "There were about 10 kids in there, running in and out," Yeates said. "They loved it so much." The project was so successful that Yeates is hoping to build another one. "I noticed the real hobbit holes go inwards into a hill rather than downwards. If I did get a commission for another one, it would be spectacular," Yeates said. "There could be multiple rooms, all kinds of things. I'd very much like to make another one. " Hear that, hobbit fans? Your next home project could make Gandalf proud. |
據《紐約每日新聞報》3月19日報道,英國貝德福德一名男子阿什利·耶茨受《指環(huán)王》小說的影響,在自家后院建造出一個霍比特人洞穴。 一名英國男子設法把電影中的場景搬到了自家后院。 30歲的園藝師和建筑專家阿什利·耶茨來自英國貝德福德,模仿比爾博·巴金斯著名小說中的描述,在自家后院建造了一個真實的霍比特人洞穴。 耶茨對《每日新聞》的記者說:“我以前就建造過幾個適合隱居的地方,當第一部《霍比特人》電影即將上映的時候,我開始覺得有必要更進一步了,我要建造一些讓大家眼前一亮的東西出來?!?/p> 耶茨在建造前并沒有設計任何圖紙,而是僅僅利用了托爾金小說《指環(huán)王》中洞穴的知識。 耶茨說:“我腦海中突然就出現了這些洞穴的素描。我們的確沒有做過任何研究,只是看了電影而已?!?/p> 霍比特人洞可以輕松容納下3個成年人。但是當耶茨在一次聚會上介紹了這個作品后,鄰居家的小孩也想來一探究竟。 耶茨說:“有大約10個孩子在這個洞里進進出出,他們非常喜歡這個地方。“ 這個作品非常成功,耶茨還想再建一個。 耶茨說:“真正的霍比特人洞進去以后是一座小山而不是樓梯。如果我可以再建一個的話,我一定會把它建的非更棒更真實??赡軙泻芏喾块g,擺滿各種東西。我非常樂意再建一個霍比特人洞?!?/p> 霍比特人的粉絲聽到這個消息是不是很興奮呢!也許耶茨的下一個作品會讓甘道夫都驕傲! (譯者 周翻nancy 編輯 丹妮) |