查看原文 Chinese women who are dating non-Chinese guys often express various issues which displease them – and the issues are mostly due to cultural differences and a lack of understanding. One of our forum readers from Pakistan sent us a list of what he considers the ten most common complaints of Chinese girlfriends. 1. You don't carry my handbag! Most foreign boyfriends believe that carrying a handbag of a girlfriend is basically the opposite of manliness. But this is a very common demand of Chinese girlfriends. Chinese girls usually carry useless and unnecessary stuff in their bags and the reason is only because they want to have a bag so that their boyfriend will carry it for them. And foreign boyfriends don't like to carry their handbag. 2. You don't text or call me three times a day! Chinese girlfriends usually demand that you stay in contact with them during the day and show that you care for them by calling or sending them text messages at least two or three times a day. This will not change - so you need to adopt this habit if you wish to have a long-term relationship. 3. You don't meet me often! If you don't visit or meet your girlfriend often she will call you selfish and this is a word Chinese girls use if you don't do something they want. They will not miss any chance to call you selfish. However, for foreigners this word does not seem so strong and they consider it quite normal to be called selfish - but for Chinese this is not the case. 4. Give less time to your friends! Sometimes, Chinese girls will complain that they don't like your friends, but this is not exactly true: They just want the guy to spend less time with his friends and more with them. They want you to spend more time with your girlfriend instead of hanging out and meeting your friends. 5. Why don't you take me to the bar? She will often complain that you don't take her when you go out to a bar and she will accuse you of not taking her because of various reasons. She will tell you that you don't like her attitude in the club as she makes you stay by her side the whole time. 6. No fashion sense She wants you to dress like she wants you to dress and she wants you to look like she wants you to look. Chinese dress sense is very different to other countries and it's quite difficult to follow, so get ready to face such complaints sooner or later. 7. You don't know Chinese culture. You will hear this sentence very often from your Chinese girlfriend - that you should learn more about Chinese culture and start following it. She will always demand that you follow her culture and not so much your own culture. 8. Eat more! It sounds weird but it's true: A Chinese girlfriend will suggest that you eat more and "get healthier". The more you eat the healthier you will be - this is a Chinese saying and they truly follow it and try it on their boyfriends. 9.Eat less! Sooner or later you will start eating more and another complaint you will get is that you eat so much. Your Chinese girlfriend will start saying that you should eat less and this will be good for your health. Suddenly, the above-mentioned Chinese saying and perception will change. 10. Shopping Last but not least, Chinese girlfriends will complain to you that you do not take her shopping. Yes! She is right - take her shopping often, even window shopping. She wants to hang out with you. And sometimes she just wants you to spend your money on her. Soon after the shopping trip, she will say something like: I thought you are selfish but you are not. |
中國女人同外籍男友交往時經(jīng)常會抱怨許多她們憤怒的事情,而這些事情主要是因文化差異和缺少了解所造成的。《中國日報》論壇的一位巴基斯坦讀者給我們寄來了一張清單,列舉了他認為的中國女友經(jīng)常會抱怨的10大事項。 1.你不幫我拎包! 大部分外籍男友基本認為幫女友拎包缺乏男子氣概。但這卻是中國女友最常見的要求。中國女友總是放一些沒有用的,不需要的物品在包里,只是想要她們的男友幫他們拎著。而外籍男友外出都不愛帶包。 2.你不時常聯(lián)系我! 中國女友總要求你每天和她們保持聯(lián)系,每天打兩三次電話或發(fā)短信表達你對她們的關(guān)心。這一點是不會改變的。所以要是你想要同她們長久交往,你需要適應(yīng)這一點。 3.你不經(jīng)常見我! 要是你不時常見你的女友,她會認為你自私。如果你沒有做中國女孩想讓你做的事情,她們就會認為你自私。她們不會錯過任何指責你自私的機會。然而,對于外國人而言,自私這詞似乎并沒有那么嚴重,他們認為被稱作自私是很正常的。但是對于中國人而言就不是這樣子了。 4.少和你朋友待在一起! 有時,中國女友會抱怨說她們不喜歡你的朋友,但是并非完全如此:她們只是想你少和朋友待在一起,多和她在一起。她們想要更多的二人世界,而不是外出會見朋友。 5.為什么不帶我去酒吧? 你去酒吧時,她經(jīng)常會抱怨你不帶她一起,她會因各種原因指責你不帶她同往。她會說你不喜歡她在酒吧的態(tài)度,因為她要你一直待在她身邊。 6.沒有時尚感 她想要你按照她的想法著裝裝扮。中國的穿衣品味同其他國家的截然不同,很難遵循,所以做好早晚面對這類抱怨的準備吧。 7.你不了解中國文化 你的中國女友經(jīng)常會說你要多學(xué)習(xí)中國文化。她總是要求你學(xué)習(xí)她的文化,卻不怎么學(xué)習(xí)你的文化。 8.多吃點! 聽起來很怪異但卻是事實:中國女友會建議你多吃“更健康”。中國諺語一一吃得越多越健康。她們切實地遵循了,并且讓她們的男友也這樣做。 9.少吃點! 早晚你會開始多吃,但你會聽到另一個抱怨一一你吃太多了。你的中國女友會開始說你應(yīng)該少吃點,這有益于你的健康。一下子,上面提到的中國諺語和看法都變了。 10.購物 最后,中國女友會抱怨你沒有帶她去購物。是的!她是正確的。記得經(jīng)常帶她購物,即便只是隔著窗戶看看。她想要和你閑逛。有時她想要你在她身上花些錢。購物后不久,她就會說:“過去我認為你自私,但現(xiàn)在你并非如此?!?/p> (譯者 唐巧芳 編輯 齊磊) |