About 70.7 percent of young people said they would boycott vulgar horseplay at weddings as it violates ethical standards, a survey by China Youth Daily showed on Tuesday.
“鬧洞房”的英文表達就是rough horseplay at weddings,在婚禮當天賓客會要求新人們完成一系列有難度的“任務”,有的人還會制作一些惡作劇來捉弄新郎新娘,這就是“鬧洞房”。
在調查中,有10.9%的人指出,the elder generation(長輩)參與“鬧洞房”擾亂正常的倫理秩序。對于“鬧洞房”所存在的問題,多數(shù)人認為people may go too far and give offence(鬧的分寸掌握不好,造成不愉快),還有不少人認為the sexual innuendos are obscene and insulting to the newlyweds(一些性暗示太低俗,是對新人的侮辱)。
(中國日報網英語點津 陳丹妮)