[ 2007-06-22 17:49 ]

在LT論壇上,看到了一個人氣巨旺的貼子 -- 如何譯“孩子是父母的翻版?” 看來,大家往往對地道的中文情有獨鐘!但愿,LT能與您共同探討出一個較為地道的英文表達。
“翻版”之參考譯文一:The kid is like a mirror image of his parent。口語中,尤其在八卦新聞中,“mirror image”常用來表達“孩子是父母的翻版”。顯然,物理現(xiàn)象中的“鏡像”在此有了比喻義“一模一樣”,如:The girl has long legs and enchanting lips exactly like her mother's; she's like a mirror image.(這個小姑娘簡直是她媽媽的翻版,有著和她媽媽一樣的長腿及迷人的嘴唇。)
“翻版”之參考譯文二:The kid is a spitting image of his parent.“Spitting image”是個俚語,尤指“血緣關(guān)系上的相像”。關(guān)于其淵源,現(xiàn)存的版本很多:“spitting image”大致發(fā)展歷史為“spit(19世紀(jì)早期)-spit and image(19世紀(jì)晚期)-spitting image(現(xiàn)代)”。
據(jù)記載,“spit”表“相似”最早可追溯到15世紀(jì)的古老諺語“as like as one as if he had been spit out of his mouth”。至于為什么酷似對方就像是從對方口里吐出來一樣,沒人能夠說清楚。一種觀點認為,“spit”在此表示“吐沫”;另一種說法則指出,“spit”在此大概指男子的“精液”。
在日常運用中,古用法“spit”和“spit and image”已漸漸淡出歷史舞臺,人們更喜歡用“spitting image”來表達“酷似”或“翻版”。
1) In the movie "The Man", the dental supplier tells the ATF agent "this is my wife Susan, holding our newest edition Emily, who just turned 2, ......" by walter2026282007-06-24 10:38
2) "Kids are copies of parents."is better. byanniezhao9605202007-06-24 10:38
3) To anniezhao960520: Have you consulted a foreign? I've just asked a foreign about "copy". And he said that the expression of "copy"is bad here. byPage2007-06-25 15:20