忙碌兒童綜合癥 hurried child syndrome
[ 2009-09-03 16:43 ]

周末的早晨,本該是學(xué)生和上班族們在家補覺的時間,可是在公交車上總是能看到一對對母女、祖孫、父子或母子們背著書包,拎著琴盒、畫板之類的物件奔向某個“班”的上課地點?!艾F(xiàn)在的孩子真累!”身邊很多同齡人都這樣感嘆過。沒辦法,誰叫他們趕上hurried child syndrome的盛行期了呢。

Hurried child syndrome refers to a condition in which parents overschedule their children's lives, push them hard for academic success, and expect them to behave and react as miniature adults.
Hurried child syndrome(忙碌兒童綜合癥/揠苗助長綜合癥)指的是家長將孩子的生活安排得過滿、極力要求孩子在學(xué)業(yè)上取得佳績,并且希望孩子像小大人一樣行為和做事的現(xiàn)象。
The concept of the hurried child was first proposed by child psychologist David Elkind in his now-classic 1981 book The Hurried Child: Growing Up Too Fast.
One symptom of the hurried child syndrome is forcing pre-school children to constantly take classes and perform other "enrichment" exercises to help them prepare for school. This is also called hothousing (1985) and the superbaby syndrome (1983).
非主流少年 Scene kid
都市“飛特族” freeter
足球媽媽 soccer mom
小留學(xué)生 parachute kids
直升機父母 Helicopter parent
(英語點津 Helen 編輯)