我們現在開會都喜歡brainstorming(頭腦風暴)。大家你來我往地聊著,突然一拍腦門,好主意就來了。這樣的時刻在英語里被形象地叫做aha moment。
The phrase “aha moment” was coined by the German psychologist and phenomenologist Karl Buhler a little over a hundred years ago. He meant it as “a peculiar, pleasure-oriented experience within the course of thought that pops up with the sudden insight into a previously un-transparent context.” Now, we usually use the phrase to describe an instant at which the solution to a problem becomes clear.
Aha moment(多譯為“頓悟時刻”)這個表達是由德國心理學家及現象學家卡爾?布勒在大約100多年前首創(chuàng)的。他當時對這個表達的定義是“思考過程中一種特殊的、愉悅的體驗,期間會突然對之前并不明朗的某個局面產生深入的認識?!?現在,我們多用aha moment來表示某個問題的解決方案突然明朗化的那個時刻。
It's a moment of clarity, a defining moment where you gain real wisdom - wisdom you can use to change your life. Whether big or small, funny or sad, they can be surprising and inspiring.
For example:
She had that “aha moment” in the summer of 2009 when an old photo of her slimmer self made her decide it was time she took charge of her weight.
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)