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[ 2009-11-20 16:15 ]



III. Economic Cooperation and Global Recovery


The two sides are determined to work together to achieve moresustainable and balanced global economic growth. To that end, the twosides noted that their forceful and timely policy responses helped stemthe decline in global output and stabilized financial markets. The twosides agreed to sustain measures to ensure a strong and durable globaleconomic recovery and financial system. The two sides reiterated thatthey will continue to strengthen dialogue and cooperation onmacro-economic policies. The two sides pledge to honor all commitmentsmade at the inaugural meeting of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue,the G-20 summits, and APEC in Singapore.


The two sides commended the important role of the three G-20 summitsin tackling the global financial crisis, and committed to work withother members of the G-20 to enhance the G-20's effectiveness as thepremier forum for international economic cooperation. The two sidesagreed to work together, including through a cooperative process onmutual assessment to make the G-20 Framework for Strong, Sustainableand Balanced Growth a success. The two sides welcomed recentagreements by the G-20 to ensure that the International FinancialInstitutions (IFIs) have sufficient resources and to reform theirgovernance structures in order to improve IFIs credibility, legitimacyand effectiveness. The two sides stressed the need to follow throughon the quantified targets for the reform of quota and voting shares ofIFIs as soon as possible, increasing the voice and representation ofemerging markets and developing countries in these institutionsconsistent with the Pittsburgh Summit Leaders Statement. They alsoagreed to work together to strengthen the capacity of theseinstitutions to prevent and respond to future crises.


The two sides will further enhance communication and the exchange ofinformation regarding macro-economic policy, and work together topursue policies of adjusting domestic demand and relative prices tolead to more sustainable and balanced trade and growth. China willcontinue to implement the policies to adjust economic structure, raisehousehold incomes, expand domestic demand to increase contribution ofconsumption to GDP growth and reform its social security system. TheUnited States will take measures to increase national saving as a shareof GDP and promote sustainable non-inflationary growth. To achievethis, the United States is committed to returning the federal budgetdeficit to a sustainable path and pursuing measures to encourageprivate saving. Both sides will also pursue forward-looking monetarypolicies with due regard for the ramifications of those policies forthe international economy.


The two sides recognize the importance of open trade and investmentto their domestic economies and to the global economy, and arecommitted to jointly fight protectionism in all its manifestations. The two sides agreed to work proactively to resolve bilateral trade andinvestment disputes in a constructive, cooperative, and mutuallybeneficial manner. Both sides will expedite negotiation on a bilateralinvestment treaty. The two sides are committed to seeking a positive,ambitious, and balanced conclusion to the Doha Development Agenda in2010.


The two sides spoke highly of the outcomes of the 20th Meeting ofthe U.S.-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade. The two sidesreaffirmed the commitment at this JCCT meeting and look forward totheir full implementation.


IV. Regional and Global Challenges


The two sides noted that, at a time when the internationalenvironment is undergoing complex and profound changes, the UnitedStates and China share a responsibility to cooperatively addressregional and global security challenges. The two sides stressed thatthey share broad common interests in the Asia-Pacific region andsupport the development and improvement of an open and inclusiveregional cooperation framework that is beneficial to all. The twosides will work to encourage APEC to play a more effective role inpromoting regional trade and investment liberalization and economic andtechnical cooperation and for the ASEAN Regional Forum to play a moreeffective role in strengthening regional security cooperation.


The two sides agreed that respect for the Treaty on theNon-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, IAEA mandates, and implementationof all relevant UN Security Council resolutions are essential for thesuccess of our joint efforts to stem the spread of nuclear weapons. The two presidents recalled their participation at the September 24,2009, UN Security Council Summit on nuclear nonproliferation andnuclear disarmament. They welcomed the outcome of the Summit andexpressed their strong support for UN Security Resolution 1887.


The two sides reaffirmed the importance of continuing the Six-PartyTalks process and implementing the September 19, 2005, Joint Statement,including denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, normalization ofrelations and establishment of a permanent peace regime in NortheastAsia. The two sides stated that they will work together with otherparties concerned to comprehensively achieve the purpose and overallgoal of the Six-Party Talks through consultations and dialogues. TheChinese side welcomed the start of high-level contacts between theUnited States and the DPRK. The two sides expressed the hope that themultilateral mechanism of the Six Party Talks would convene at an earlydate.


The two sides noted with concern the latest developments with regardto the Iranian nuclear issue. The two sides agreed that Iran has theright to peaceful uses of nuclear energy under the NPT and it shouldfulfill its due international obligations under that treaty. Theywelcomed the talks in Geneva on October 1st between the P5+1 and Iranas a promising start towards addressing international concerns aboutIran's nuclear program, and expressed their readiness to continue thatengagement as soon as possible. The two sides emphasized that allefforts should be made to take confidence building steps and called onIran to respond positively to the proposal of the IAEA DirectorGeneral. The two sides reaffirmed their strong support for acomprehensive and long-term solution to the Iranian nuclear issuethrough negotiations, and called on Iran to engage constructively withthe P5+1 and to cooperate fully with the IAEA to facilitate asatisfactory outcome.


The two sides welcomed all efforts conducive to peace, stability anddevelopment in South Asia. They support the efforts of Afghanistan andPakistan to fight terrorism, maintain domestic stability and achievesustainable economic and social development, and support theimprovement and growth of relations between India and Pakistan. Thetwo sides are ready to strengthen communication, dialogue andcooperation on issues related to South Asia and work together topromote peace, stability and development in that region.


The two sides underlined their commitment to the eventualrealization of a world free of nuclear weapons. They reiterated theiropposition to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and willjointly uphold the international nuclear non-proliferation regime. They agreed to enhance non-proliferation cooperation on the basis ofmutual respect and equality. They will work together to achieve asuccessful Review Conference of Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons in 2010. They committed to pursue ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treatyas soon as possible, and will work together for the early entry intoforce of the CTBT. They support the launching of negotiations on theFissile Material Cut-off Treaty at an early date in the Conference onDisarmament, and stand ready to strengthen communication andcooperation in nuclear safety and security and in combating nuclearterrorism. China attaches importance to the U.S. initiative to hold anuclear security summit in April 2010 and will actively participate inthe preparations for the summit.


The two sides also discussed the importance of UN peacekeeping operations in promoting international peace and security.


The two sides agreed to enhance dialogue on development issues toexplore areas of cooperation and coordination and to ensure that bothcountries' efforts are conducive to achieving sustainable outcomes.

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