Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic


Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Just when you got digital technology, filmis back

An analog company surviving in a digital world

Lomo cameras are Beijing's latest trend

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography photo exhibition opens in Hong Kong It's a hobby that takes bucks to pick on  A Kodak moment to remember

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Lomography: a mix of vintage and chic

Editors: Fan Zhen and Cindy Gu
