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China Daily Website

Find stories and informaion on travel to China, vacation advices, hotel deals, airline tickets, travel deals, and hot tourists destinations, including Beijing, Shanghai, the Great Wall and more from chinadaily.com.cn.

  • 24 hours in Harbin ice

    2008-01-07 11:14

    Harbin, capital of China's northernmost province Heilongjiang boasts a repository of some amazing old Russian architecture. That makes it worth a visit anytime of the year, but it's in winter that the city really comes alive.

  • It's tiger feeding time, with a twist

    2008-01-31 10:02

    While most wintertime holidaymakers rush south to balmy beaches, Harbin provides the polar opposite type of vacation destination.

  • Yichun reaches out to tourists

    2010-08-25 10:51

    The Yichun municipal government was in Beijing recently to promote tourism, and kick off a "Chinese Couples Festival".

  • A winter wonderland

    2009-02-12 11:16

    The fun heats up when the mercury drops for people living in Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning provinces. Those who snuggle up in the warm indoors miss out on the skiing, snowboarding, dogsledding, winter swimming, ice and snow sculpture viewing - not to mention enjoying such novelties as slurping a bubbling hotpot in an eatery made of ice.

  • Step-by-step guide to Harbin's best sights

    2010-02-11 11:21

    When snow birds flock to warmer climes in Hainan, bolder travelers head to the spectacular Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, in northeastern Heilongjiang province.

  • Harbin ready for ski

    2009-12-02 10:23

    The 12th Heilongjiang International Skiing Festival will open on Dec 12 in Harbin, the provincial capital.

  • Freeze! You're in Mohe

    2011-01-06 07:56

    Imagine a place where snow blankets the earth for more than half the year, where -35 C is considered a "warm" winter day and where the sun begins its descent at 3 pm.

  • Ice, ice baby

    2011-01-07 16:23

    Known as the 'Oriental Moscow', Harbin has always been regarded as a unique and exotic city.

  • Capturing life in China's north pole

    2011-01-09 10:05

    "It's -40 C here today," my tour guide said in an unsettling tone on the phone from Mohe. It didn't help to hear that one of our reporters in Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang province and home of the Snow and Ice Festival, considered it too cold to join our team further north.

  • Snow business

    2011-01-19 10:11

    On the outskirts of Beijing, about 10 ski areas are in operation, most of them using artificial snow to lure weekend daytrippers, as the region's winters have seen less and less precipitation.

  • Visiting the hometown of reindeers in China

    2011-01-25 13:48

    In the hinterland of northeast China's Daxinganling Range, lives a mysterious minority who raise reindeer. They are China's last hunting tribe, the Ewenki ethnic group.

  • Top 10 alternative ways to spend the Spring Festival

    2011-01-28 15:51

    While traditionally the Spring Festival is about staying home for a family reunion and a sumptuous dinner, taking a trip with family members can also be a nice choice.

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