Fashion has gone to the dogs

Updated: 2006-07-18 13:57

What does an affluent society do with its ever-increasing disposable income? Dress up the dog, of course.

It's woof wow in the fashion world as designer dogs and their outfits are becoming the must-have accessory of the decade.

Toy dogs are the latest look, not only for the rich and famous 每 otherwise known as Paris and Tinkerbell 每 but for ordinary men and women as a smaller, easy-care option in pets.

As people downsize their sections and minimalise their homes, no longer is there room in the new urban lifestyle for large dogs and the input they require.

And with ever smaller dogs come all the accessories imaginable. It is possible to kit out your dog with a complete wardrobe for all seasons.

Designer apparel for pets is growing in Taranaki with local pet shops stocking accessories from collars and leashes to superman suits and pyjamas 每 or petjamas! Items also include fancy bowls, sleeping beds and even dog handbags where your dog can sit in comfort and enjoy the trip to the shops.

Brenda Campbell from Critters Pet Shop in New Plymouth has only owned the business for six months and cannot get small enough suits for some of the smaller dogs like the chihuahua and instead has commissioned knitters to make up suits.

"We've got knitted black and white tuxedos and other jersey-type suits and they're very popular," she says. "As soon as they came into the shop they went out, so we're busy making more.

"We also have lots of collars and leashes 每 the diamante collars are the hit for winter and the in colours for dog collars are blue and pink 每 or so they say."

And it seems the dogs love wearing the outfits.

"You think it might annoy them but they seem to like it."

Dog clothing is not just about style. Many of the smaller breeds are prone to skin conditions because of their lack of natural covering, so the dog clothing is said to reduce diseases like skin cancer, prevent skin drying and eczema.

Sunglasses are becoming important for dogs with sensitive eyes and make going out in the harsh summer light much more pleasant. David Olsen from Pet Essentials said he sold 25 to 30 pairs of sunglasses and hats last summer.

And with the colder weather recently, jerseys and coats are now the most common purchase. The weather beeta is a practical and popular fashionable suit, especially for the first-timers, and hooded polar fleeces have sold out as well.

"With this cold patch we've just had we sold out of all the warm clothes."

David is amazed at what's around.

"We got to the pet industry conference in Aussie and it's so big there. Every pet has at least one outfit."

David has had a Tibetan spaniel, TJ, for four years after moving to a smaller property and he says his dog has good, thick hair, so doesn't need a coat, but many of the smaller dogs actually look cold.

Many people buy dog clothing for practical purposes but then it's also a bit of fun.

"In the last two years the pet industry has grown hugely. You can get things from dog pouches to overalls, hoodies, kimonos, dress-up outfits like lion and penguin suits 每 the choice is endless.

"Actually, camouflage is quite big this year 每 even in leashes and collars."

So whether you're trying to hide your dog in the bushes or make a fashion statement 每 dog clothing is big.

It is only time that separates New Zealand dog fashion from the established markets in America where your precious pooch can be seen supporting a favourite football team. Maybe we'll see a new line in extra-small Hurricanes jerseys next season.

