How celebs drop that baby weight - If they can
( Updated: 2006-10-16 16:29 No More Eating For Two
Often the biggest culprit in celeb moms packing on pounds is that common
misperception that pregnant women need to "eat for two." In fact, as Friedland
tells us, a woman with child really only needs 300 extra calories per day. So
after giving birth, stars have flocked to customized diets to help them eat what
they need without undue restriction and effort. Emmy-winning songtress Michelle
Branch, for instance, enlisted the help of Fresh Dining, an LA-based diet
delivery outfit that provides gourmet-caliber (but not gourmet-calorie-count )
meals and snacks daily to stars' doorsteps. Branch says it helped her shed her
baby weight in mere weeks, and TV star McKenzie Westmore used Fresh Dining to
drop the poundage as well, while Nicollette Sheridan, Tori Spelling and "Grey's
Anatomy's" Kate Walsh have also ordered up chef Michael Bowen's healthy-tasty

The Breast May Be Best You may be surprised to know that a fine way, says
Friedland, for celeb moms to help lose weight is actually by nursing. Gwyneth
Paltrow, an advocate of nursing, apparently dropped pounds while doling out the
milk to her babies Apple and Moses, and Jennifer Garner has been successful in
burning off the baby-producing fat by breast-feeding her daughter Violet. "When
you're nursing, you burn off 500 calories," says Friedland, who has a
one-year-old of her own, and says she's lost 20 pounds off her pre-pregnancy
weight as she feeds her newborn.