Grandfather voices worries for Kate Moss's daughter

(Daily Mail)
Updated: 2006-10-18 10:16

He also claimed that Croydon-born Miss Moss was dissatisfied with her modelling career - despite the fact it has earned her ¡ê30 million this year alone.

According to her father-in-law, who lives with his wife Teresa, 60, in Ramsgate, Kent, the mother-of-one hopes to be a singer.

'She'd love to be a rock star herself,' he said. 'That's why she hangs out with that crowd the whole time. She doesn't really like modelling that much.'

While Miss Moss' aides and close friends, including her best friend Sadie Frost, have been quick to air their concerns about Doherty, the Hacks have previously refused to publicly discuss the troubled star.

Douglas' comments come 13 months after the supermodel was photographed snorting line after line of cocaine in a west London recording studio.

With her modelling career in turmoil - she had contracts with both Burberry and high street store H & M terminated - Miss Moss was forced to check into rehab in Arizona. She missed her daughter's third birthday as a result.

During her stint in therapy, she was advised to dump her rock star lover, and the pair spent four months apart.

But since reuniting earlier this year, Doherty has spent much of his time in court after repeatedly being caught driving while under the influence of drugs.

Last month, whilst staying at London's Priory clinic, Doherty was reportedly caught punching a nurse in the face and providing a teenager with cocaine.

Miss Moss is understood to have footed the ¡ê1,200 a day bill herself.

