Jilin government to help startups

Update: 2016-03-22

Changchun Beihu scientific park has provided everything small-and-medium-sized companies need for growth. Over the past two years, it has nurtured nearly 100 start-ups in the areas of biology, automobiles, new materials and Internet Plus.

Jilin government to help startups

Staff of Yijia Technology adjust the intelligent plant control system, at BeihuChangchun Beihu scientific park, on March 16. [Photo/xinhua]

As a national technology incubator, the park offers support with bottleneck problems that new companies are likely to encounter at the beginning of their development.

Jilin government to help startups

A worker testing heavy metal in an environment, food and feed detection company, on March 16.

It offers soft loans and cuts rents for companies involved to share part of their financial burdens, and the park also pushes the application of scientific research findings by connecting research results with manufacturers. The national incubator also helps startups by providing services such as management training.

Jilin government to help startups

One staff member looking at cells through a microscope at a biotechnology company.

