Guards ensure safe Spring Festival travel

Update: 2017-02-14

Spring Festival travel normally refers to the 40-day period around the Spring Festival when thousands of Chinese people rush into bus stations, trains stations, and airports, heading home to celebrate the traditional Chinese holiday and enjoy family reunions before heading back to the cities where they work.

Every year, Spring Festival travel is a big mess, which necessitates groups of armed police to maintain order and safety.

This year, more than forty armed police are working in Changchun Train station to guarantee a safe Spring Festival travel season for every traveler on the road.

Guards ensure safe Spring Festival travel

An army soldier answers questions in the Changchun train station. [Photo/Xinhua]

Yang Binlong, a policeman from Shaanxi province, gave up the opportunity to gather with his family and decided to stay with his troupe to ensure safety in Changchun's stations.

"Our responsibility is to keep order, get rid of hidden dangers, and deal with accidents in stations," Yang said. Every morning at 8 a.m., Yang arrives at his position and is ready for the day's work.

He bought some local Northeast China products and delivered them back home ahead of Spring Festival, which conveyed his homesickness and best wishes to his family.

Guards ensure safe Spring Festival travel

An armed army team is well-prepared for sudden accidents in the Changchun train station. [Photo/Xinhua]

For Sun Hong, this is the first time he has spent Spring Festival outside his hometown. Sun is only 18 years old.

"Although I am not at home, I can still experience deep Spring Festival feelings," Sun said.

Sun wished that his brother, who is three years younger than him, could join in the army too.

"Participating the army makes me strong and tough; I hope my brother can also join in the army." Sun added.

Guards ensure safe Spring Festival travel

An armed army team is on patrol in Changchun. [Photo/Xinhua]

Zhao Guangyi, whose hometown is in Hebei province, applied to stay in Changchun spontaneously before Sprng Festival. He has only celebrated Spring Festival twice in the past 19 military years.

"Choosing to be a member of the army means to choose loneliness," Zhao remarked. His daughter was unable to recognize him as he was away from home for so long time.

Zhao was allowed to go home during this year's Spring Festival.

"But thinking of the difficulty of maintaining Spring Festival travel safety, I decided to stay in Changchun and make my own contribution to keep passengers safe during the reunion festival," Zhao said.
