If you happened to be visiting the Hefei Wildlife Zoo recently, you might have noticed the strange iceberg-shaped structure, a new addition to the penguin pavilion. The reason, according to staff members, is that ten Humboldt penguins are expected to arrive in September.
The pavilion was originally built for ostriches, but is being transformed into a white, iceberg-shaped building with glass walls to allow visitors to get a clear look inside. The indoor facilities are an elaborate preparation that caters to the penguins' peculiar tastes, with ten of them living together.
The Humboldt penguin is a South American species, with an average height of 50-60 centimeters, and the ability to swim at an amazing speed. And they're easy to recognize, thanks to their uniquely distinct black scarf.
By Guo Chang
Edited by Roger Bradshaw, Huang Pei