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Anhui passenger flow volume may reach 91.54 million during chunyun
Updated: 2014-01-21

It's estimated that passenger flow volume may reach 91.54 million in Anhui during the 40-day travel period around Spring Festival, which falls on January 31, Anhui Daily reported.

Chunyun, the Spring Festival travel season, kicked off on January 16. It’s the largest annual human migration in the world.

Mei Jin, head of the Anhui Transportation Bureau, said that passenger flow volume may increase significantly compared with the same period last year, placing a tremendous strain on the transportation system in Anhui.

Before Spring Festival, passengers consisting of migrant workers, families and tourists will put the transportation system to the test. After the Chinese New Year, the returnees of migrant workers and students will bring travel peaks.

To prepare, Anhui will provide over 1.24 million coach routes with 32,400 coaches running daily. Daily coach routes will total 78,000. For water travel, 1,250 passenger barges will be put into use with a total passenger volume of 35,500. For railway travel, Anhui will add 250 temporary rail routes. Anhui also plans to add 502 flights.

As reported, there are three travel peaks during the travel season. They fall on January 26 to 28 before Spring Festival, February 4 to 13, and February 15 to 17 after Spring Festival. To prepare for severe weather, all related transportation department have reserved dozens of emergency vehicles to ensure safe travel.

By Huang Pei

Edited by Michael Thai

