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Heart disease patients in China getting younger

Source: Xinhua

Updated: 2015-10-05

BEIJING, Sept. 29 (Xinhua) -- Heart disease is affecting more of the younger generation in China, while medical experts predict a surge in cases over the next decade, according to a paper published Tuesday.

The findings, published by the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases, said one in five Chinese are in "poor cardiovascular shape", and one person dies from heart disease every ten seconds in China.

Statistics show that the number of Chinese aged between 35 and 44 with coronary heart diseases has increased 30 percent over the last three years, and the death rate of the same age group has risen 111 percent over the past 15 years.

Cardiovascular disease is currently one of the leading cause of death in China, said Shi Xubo, cardiologist with Beijing Tongren Hospital. China should adopt an intervention strategy to improve the health of its citizens, he said.

Link: / World Health Organization / United Nations Population Fund / UNICEF in China

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