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Children and adoption

Updated : 2015-06-09

Postponement of adoption

Postponement of adoption refers to the situation in which the foreign adoption families, after receiving the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption, wish to postpone the coming to China for adoption because of different reasons that they cannot come to China for the adoption on schedule. Where the application for postponement of adoption is filed, the China Center of Children’s Welfare and Adoption shall reissue the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption upon the examination and consent of the China Center of Children’s Welfare and Adoption. As to this problem, the requirement of the China Center of Children’s Welfare and Adoption is that: this kind of postponement of adoption can be handled once for every adoption family, to postpone for 3 months, and the application should be filed with the Center within the term of validity of the Notice of Coming to China for Adoption.

In handling postponement of adoption, the adoption organization needs to submit to the office of the China Center of Children’s Welfare and Adoption the letter for the application for handling the postponement of adoption (original copy and the copy in Chinese), and the letter should identify: (1) title: Letter on Application for Postponement of Coming to China for Adoption; (2) name of the organization submitting the documents of adoption application; (3) name of the adoption family (it is required to be consistent with the name on the visa); (4) date of registering the document of the application of the adoption family in the Center; (5) reasons for the adoption family to postpone adoption; (6) opinions of the adoption organization; (7) signature of persons responsible for the adoption organization of the Chinese project; and (8) application letter from the adoption family to the adoption organization.
