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Trademark law

Updated : 2015-06-09

Infringement of the exclusive right to a registered trademark

Under the Trademark Law, any of the following acts shall be an infringement of the exclusive right to a registered trademark: (1) to use a trademark that is identical with a registered trademark on the same goods without the consent of the registered trademark holder; (2) to use a trademark similar to a registered trademark on the same goods or to use a trademark identical with or similar to a registered trademark on similar goods, without of the consent of the registered trademark holder, where such use is likely to cause confusion; (3) to sell the goods that infringe the exclusive right to a registered trademark; (4) to counterfeit, or to make, without authorization, representations of a registered trademark of another person, or to sell such representations of a registered trademark as were counterfeited, or made without authorization; (5) to replace, without authorization, a registered trademark and put the goods bearing the replaced trademark on the market; (6) to intentionally provide a person with conveniences for such person's infringement of the trademark of another person or facilitate such person’s infringement of the trademark of another person; (7) to cause, in other aspects, prejudice to the exclusive right of another person to use a registered trademark.
