Shocking new evidence appears in wong lo kat trademark dispute
(China IP)
Updated: 2012-03-14

Shocking new evidence appears in wong lo kat trademark dispute

On December 29th, 2011, the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd. (GPH) v. Hong Kong Jiaduobao Group (JDB) case over the trademark Wong Lo Kat Herbal Tea (WLK) was heard by the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for the first time. After a 5 hour hearing, JDB provided new evidence which proved that it was not Li Yimin, former senior manager of GPH, but Cai Zhixiang, the President of GPH at that time, who had signed the trademark licensing agreement; thus refuting GPH’s statement that JDB bribed GPH’s manager to extend the trademark authorization. According to JDB, it is confident that the Arbitration Commission will arbitrate independently and fairly based on the evidence in accordance with the laws and contracts.

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