Wireless communication booster and ‘smart magnet’ win invention awards
(China IP)
Updated: 2012-06-13

Lovely Groundbreaking research in the area of life sciences and information technology was recognised at the Invention of the Year Awards at University College Cork on March 27th.

Wireless communication booster and ‘smart magnet’ win invention awards

Top awards went to a device to enhance wireless communication signals and an invention to assist surgeons in gastroentral procedures.

The ICT Invention of the Year was presented to Professor Peter Kennedy of Tyndall National Institute for the patented modulator for high-performance frequency synthesiser.

According to UCC, this invention is a disruptive technology with global application that will change the way frequency synthesisers, which provide wireless communication signals, will operate.

It has already attracted the interest of leading global players in the electronics industry, has been licensed by Analog Devices and is currently being prototyped at their plant in Limerick.

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