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Internet Governance in China

By Ma Jun, Yin Qin and Li Haiying 2011-08-26


Internet Governance in China


ISBN: 9787802346826

Publisher: China Development Press

Issued: August 2011



The Internet is the greatest invention of the 20th century and has penetrated into political, social, economic and cultural fields. The Internet also helps to realize network community, e-commerce and e-government to promote economic and social development as well as political democratization. On the other hand, it has become a hotbed for network security issues, malicious information and online crime.

The Internet has thrown the traditional top-down management model with governments playing a leading role. A multi-lateral governance model featuring post supervision is taking shape.

China should come up with an overall Internet development strategy and abide by the principle of Internet development to promote the establishment of a perfect Internet governance system.
