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Third quarterly meeting opens in UK


The Department of Macroeconomic Research of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), the University of Oxford China Centre (UOCC) and KPMG China held the third quarterly meeting for the Global Macroeconomic M3 Dialogue in the United Kingdom from July 23 to 25.

On the afternoon of July 23, Sir John Boyd, chairman of Asia House, hosted a seminar on China's Macroeconomic Analysis and Outlook. During the seminar, Yu Bin, director-general of the Department of Macroeconomic Research of the DRC, delivered a keynote speech titled China's Macroeconomic Situation in the Second Quarter and Outlook for the Second Half-Year. Chen Daofu, director of the Research Office of the Research Institute of Finance of the DRC, delivered a speech on Risks in China's Financial Market and Countermeasures in the Second Half of 2013. Chen Changsheng, director of the Research Office of the Department of Macroeconomic Research of the DRC, delivered a speech titled The Mid- and Long-Term Outlook of China's Economic Growth.

Rana Mitter, professor of modern Chinese history and politics at the University of Oxford, hosted a round-table conference with the theme “Reform: Review and Outlook” in the Rhode House Library of the University of Oxford from July 24-25.

During the conference, Professor Andrew Dilnot, chair of the UK Statistics Authority, and Professor Terry O`Shaughnessy, director of studies for philosophy, politics and economics at St Anne’s College of the University of Oxford, delivered a lecture on The Economic Reforms in the UK and Europe – Experience and Outlook.

Professor Michael Keith, director of the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) of the University of Oxford, and Leslie Young, professor of the Economics School of the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB), made speeches on Urban Renewal: Policy Reform and Contemporary Urban Development.

Heizo Takenaka, professor of the School of Policy Management of Keio University, talked about Financial Reform in Japan: Financial Restructuring and Industrial Revitalization under Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

Kong Jingyuan, director of the Department of Economic System Reform of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC); Zhang Xuechun, deputy director of the Research Institute of the People's Bank of China; Wei Jianing, vice-director-general of the Department of Macroeconomic Research of the DRC; and Pieter P. Bottelier, senior adjunct professor of China studies of Johns Hopkins University, delivered speeches on the topic Chinese Economic Reform: Retrospect and Prospect.

In addition, Philippe Legrain, principal adviser and head of the analysis team at the Bureau of European Policy Advisers, made a speech titled Reshaping the World Economy: Common Challenges to Reforms in China, Europe, the United States and Japan. John O'Connor, managing director and equity strategist of Fort Washington Investment Advisors, talked about Global Economic Reform: Prospects and Impact. Mitsuhiro Fukao, professor of the School of Business and Commerce at Keio University, spoke about the Balance Sheet of the People's Bank of China.
