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President Li Wei meets with Mr. Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN and the French Delegation


On December 4, President Li Wei met with the delegation of French business leaders let by Mr. Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, Vice President of French Senate and the former French Prime Minister. President Li answered questions on the issues concerning the Decisions made by the 3rd Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, covering the decisive role of the market, the role of Chinese SOEs and that of foreign companies, Chinese domestic consumption, the relationship between the central and local government and etc. Mr. Yu Bin, DG of the Department of Macroeconomic Research, Mr. Feng Fei, DG of the Research Department of Industrial Economy, Ms Lu Wei, DG of the Department of Techno-Economic Research, Mr. Zhao Jinping, DG of the Research Department of Foreign Economic Relations and Mr. Lan Weiban, DDG of the International Cooperation Department participated in the meeting.
