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19th Sino-French Economic Seminar held in Beijing


France's Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, gave a speech on Sino-French cooperation at the 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar, which was co-sponsored by the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) and Comité France-Chine, and held in Beijing on Dec 15.

19th Sino-French Economic Seminar held in Beijing

Zhang Junkuo, vice-minister of the DRC, gives a speech at the opening ceremony of the 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar, which was held in Beijing on Dec 15.

A total of 300 people from France and China attended the seminar - with the theme "Innovation and Development" - including former French Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, and French entrepreneurs, officials and scholars.

Zhang Junkuo, vice minister of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), gave a speech at the opening ceremony and Zhao Changwen, director-general of the DRC's Enterprise Research Institute, gave a speech during the seminar – which was hosted by Ma Mingjie, vice-director-general of the DRC's Department of Techno-Economic Research, and Ma Jun, vice-director-general of the Enterprise Research Institute.

19th Sino-French Economic Seminar held in Beijing

Zhang Junkuo, vice-minister of the DRC, shakes hands with Jean-Pierre Raffarin, former prime minister of France, during the 19th Sino-French Economic Seminar which was held in Beijing on Dec 15.
