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Duan Bingde

Grasping Key Problems to Achieve the Transformation of Governmental Functions


Since the reform and opening-up, and especially since the 16th National Congress of the CPC, China has made great progress in the transformation of governmental functions. However, affected by many factors, government administration still has many problems and challenges, such as the unclear lines of responsibility among governments at different levels, unsmooth duty relationships between different departments, the backwards decision-making and operation modes of government, imperfect supervision and restriction mechanisms, distorted relations between government and markets, as well as excessive responsibilities and stress within the government. Thus the reform in this field should be accelerated, with the core of the reform being made clear together with the transformation of the governmental functions and administrative modes.

On one hand, the responsibility for relationships between governments of all levels and fields should be straightened out, to further clarify the responsibilities of different departments, to promote the separation of decisions and their execution, and to improve the coordination mechanism.

On the other hand, there was a need to further promote the democratization and scientification of policy-making, to improve the standardization of service and management, improve the multi-elemental supervision system, reform the evaluation system, and strengthen the restrictions on public powers together with their accountability system.

