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Liu Shijin

Collective construction land on the market and urbanization in Beijing's rural-urban fringe

By Liu Shijin, vice-minister of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), and Liu Shouying, Research Department of Rural Economy, Xu Wei, General Office, and Shao Ting, Institute of Market Economy, the DRC

Research Report No 212, 2013


Social and economic relations in the rural-urban fringe have gone through deeply acute changes in urbanization and the amount of collective construction land is a major source for income of farmers as well as future urban development space.

Rural residents in the rural-urban fringe area have engaged in urbanization on their own by using rural collective land and have formed another approach to urbanization that is different from the government's land acquisition approach.

The research selected

The survey leads to some policy suggestions on reforming the urban-rural duality and sound urbanization by starting from the rural-urban fringe.
