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Build the He-Tong industrial corridor to support the strong rise of Anhui in Central China (No 89, 2015)


By Qian Pingfan, Research Department of Industrial Economy of DRC

Research Report No 89, 2015 (Total 4774)


As a product of industrialization, industrial corridor refers to the evolution and layout along the axes of industrial development. To build the industrial corridor has long been an important way to improve regional industrial development, a fundamental way to go with the trend of industrial development, as well as a way adopted by relevant countries and regions with a late start in industrialization. There are many advantages to build industrial corridor in Anhui province and it is thought that the corridor from Tongling to Huainan and Bengbu via Hefei is a viable choice and the corridor from Tongling to Hefei would be the best option. The building of Hefei-Tongling industrial corridor requires a new approach including the scientific development, industries with distinctive advantages, collective actions, cooperation between the private and public sectors, endogenous growth and the introduction of capital and projects with Tongling taking the leading role. Apart from that, new patterns are also required such as platform-based development, clustering development, attracting business in a lean and chain-like manner, fixed cost shared by all industries, and operations by professional agencies. The construction of Hefei-Tongling industrial corridor can bring benefits in many aspects. It can help to forge the industrial backbone in Anhui province, enhance the interaction between industries in the central part of Anhui province, provide a new pattern for the upcoming industrial corridor construction to support the rise of central China, intensify the core position of Hefei, realize the cross-river development dream of Tongling and set up an example for regional cooperation.
