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Suggestions on Common Sharing of Facilities for Major Nuclear Power Scientific Experiments(Special Issue No 62, 2015)


By Ma Mingjie, Research Team on “International Experience of Scientific and Technological Platform Sharing for Major Nuclear Power Programs and the Empirical Analysis”, the Research Department of Techno-Economy, DRC

Research Report Special Issue No 62, 2015 (Total NO 1465) 2015-12-30

Abstract: Among China’s nuclear power scientific research facilities, many are set aside and enterprises have made repeated investment in large numbers. Both inside and outside the industry, a universal stronger demand for nuclear power scientific research facilities has made common sharing become feasible. To promote common sharing of these facilities, we need to establish a set of corresponding management systems. In this process, we should pay attention to clarifying the ownership of scientific facilities, avoiding interest conflicts between companies while choosing supportive institutions and addressing problems of operating funds and charging standards. Given the status quo of scientific research institutions’ managerial mechanisms in the nuclear power industry, it is suggested that the common sharing model should be implemented in the priority order of “incrementbeforestock, higher education institutionsbeforeenterprises, and local institutesand enterprises before the entire institutes and enterprises”. We should also establish an information sharing system for scientific research facilities. Besides, we could encourage enterprises to conduct market-based cooperation in using facilities through alliances. But if we aim to resolve the problems of repeated investment in common scientific facilities by companies and difficulty in sharing, we should straighten up the managerial mechanism for nuclear power scientific research institutes.

Key words: nuclear power, scientific experiment facilities, common sharing, suggestions
