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High-speed Communication Technology: A Must for China’s High-speed Railway(Special Issues, No 65, 2015)


By Xie Hengyuan, Cheng Lili & Zhu Xianqiang, Research Team on “Roadmap for the Development of China’s High-speed Railway IC Technology”, Information Center, DRC

Research Report, Special Issues, No 65, 2015 (Total NO 1468) 2015-12-31

Abstract: The railway communication system is an integrated and complete communication system especially for offering audio, visual and digital communication services for transportation and operation management. The railway communication system has evolved from cabled to wireless, from wireless radio dispatching systems of 150MHz or 450MHz to the GSM-R mobile railway communication system, witha more reliable traffic control system and higher communication quality. However, with the further development of high-speed railway, the current general GSM-R system is found hard to ensure reliable and higher-speed access to the communication system. Therefore, in order to leverage to the fullest the role of high-speed railway as the robust economic booster, it is imperative and crucial to introduce the high-speed communication system into China’s high-speed railway. The current railway communication system consists of the backbone network, the mobile communication network and the business network. The back bone network is mainly fiber-optical, the mobile communication network high-speed and the railway business network integrated, all of which feature a smart trend performance. The mobile communication network is the focus of all topics in our research. Generally speaking, the railway communication system is driven by the development needs of railway and integrated with technological development and communications industry.

Key words: railway communication system, GSM-R, mobile communication network, business network
