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IREP Vice-Director-General delivers a keynote speech at PIELC


IREP Vice-Director-General delivers a keynote speech at PIELC

Chang Jiwen, Vice-Director-General of the Institute for Resources and Environment Policies (IREP) of the Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC), was invited by the University Of Oregon School Of Law to attend the 34th Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC) where he delivered a speech, from Mar 3 to 6.

At this year`s parallel session on China’s issues, Dr. Chang delivered a keynote speech, with the theme ‘History and Current Situation of China’s Environmental Laws’, which focused on the supervision system of environment protection that is suitable for China's conditions. The parallel session was hosted by Ocean Yuan, a famous entrepreneur in the U.S. energy industry.

The Conference united more than 2,000 officials, scientists, attorneys, journalists and students around the globe to share their experience and expertise.

