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The Evolution of Japan’s Human Capital Strategy and Its Inspirations(No 3, 2016)


By Lin Jiabin, Member of the Research Team on “The Waxing and Waning of a State and the Role of Human Capital” of DRC

Research Report No 3, 2016 (Total NO 1478) 2016-2-26

Abstract: Japan’s human capital strategy has the following characteristics: 1. Japan holds equal importance to the cultivation of talents and introduction of talents as the breakthrough point to catch up with advanced countries. 2. Human capital strategy occupies a vital position in national overall development strategy and actively serves national overall development strategy. 3. Japan was one of the first to establish the basic concepts of equal opportunity for all. 4. Japan enjoys developed and common enterprise education and complete vocational education. According to Japan’s experience, we can draw some inspirations: 1. Human capital strategy is an indispensable part of national major strategy. 2. Human capital strategy should address current problems and be future-oriented. 3. Human capital strategy should be helpful for the realization of social justice. 4. Based on the stabilization of enterprise labor relationship, efforts are made to stimulate the accumulation of human capital.

Key words: human capital, strategic inspirations, Japan
