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Public Goods Supply Mode-Based Social Governance Innovation: Experience and Enlightenments of Shenzhen Long Gang District’s Practice for the Improvement of Community Livelihood(No.33, 2016)


By Lin Jiabin, Research Department of Social Development, DRC

Research report No.33, 2016 (Total 4916) 2016-3-25

Abstract: Starting from early 2015, Shenzhen Long Gang District launched some programs relating to the improvement of people’s livelihood in local community. Its core connotation is to hand over options of those community-level and small-scale public goods and public service programs to residents themselves, changing from government making decisions to decisions made by residents. This is a social governance innovation based on basic-level public goods supply mode. The starting point is to respond to residents’ urgent needs actively and address their urgent needs and difficult issues. In terms of the actual implementation of these programs, some weak links relating to people’s livelihood are improved according to residents’ will. In addition, this kind of letting residents’ make decisions practice also plays an active role in the cultivation of residents’ self-governance awareness and self-governance competence.

Key words: social governance, innovation, experience, Shenzhen Long Gang District
