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Zhang Laiming visits Britain and Denmark


Zhang Laiming visits Britain and Denmark

Zhang Laiming leads a delegation to Britain and holds a meeting on the UK’s social insurance reform with the Institute of Development Studies. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

A delegation led by Zhang Laiming, Vice President of the DRC, visited the UK and Denmark from October 9 to 16. They reviewed social insurance and social factors affecting investment conditions in the two countries.

Zhang Laiming visits Britain and Denmark

The delegation visits nursing homes in Copenhagen. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

The delegation visited the University of Cambridge, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, and the PwC Social Influence Center, and held a meeting on the UK’s social insurance reform with the Institute of Development Studies. Zhang met with Peter Nolan, director of Cambridge’s Development Studies Research Center, and Melissa Leach, head of the Institute of Development Studies, to discuss future cooperation with these institutions.

Zhang Laiming visits Britain and Denmark

The delegation meets with Per Okkels, vice minister of health in Denmark. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

The delegation visited the Ministry of Finance and Health in Denmark, and met with Mads Kieler, vice minister of finance, and Per Okkels, vice minister of health. They also visited nursing homes in Copenhagen to learn about local elder-care policies.
