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Zhang Junkuo visits Ethiopia and Kenya


Zhang Junkuo visits Ethiopia and Kenya

Zhang Junkuo, Vice President of DRC, visits Center for Policy Research in Ethiopia. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Zhang Junkuo, Vice President of the DRC, visited Ethiopia and Kenya from October 15 to 22. Zhang was invited by the Center for Policy Research in Ethiopia and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Kenya.

Zhang conducted research on “Chinese enterprises in Africa: business environment and investment policy in Africa”.

Zhang Junkuo visits Ethiopia and Kenya
Zhang Junkuo is interviewed by national TV station in Ethiopia. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Zhang met with Abbay Teshaye, director of the Ethiopian center, and delivered a keynote speech to more than 30 think tanks on “the role of Chinese think tanks in decision consultation”. Zhang also met with officials from other government departments to learn about investment tax policies for Chinese enterprises in Ethiopia and the economic development plan of the country. Zhang also visited projects and industry parks of Chinese enterprises there, and introduced the Chinese economic development situation to the Chinese ambassador and business representatives at the Chinese embassy.

Zhang Junkuo visits Ethiopia and Kenya

Zhang Junkuo meets with the Vice Minister of Industry and Trade in Kenya. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

Zhang met with the Vice Minister of Industry and Trade in Kenya, and exchanged views on Kenya’s economic development and foreign investment policies. He also visited infrastructure projects and the offices of the World Bank.
