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Promoting the Primary Processing of Agro- Products in Growing Areas: An Effective Way to Increase the Income of Farmers in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(No.172, 2016)


By Zhou Qunli & Cheng Yu, Research Department of Rural Economy of DRC , Yang Qin, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering ,Ministry of Agriculture and Yao Li, Rural Affairs Office of Party Committee, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Research report No.172, 2016 (Total 5055) 2016-12-13

Abstract: Due to inadequate drying machines and refrigerating facilities for primary processing, farmers in Xinjiang have difficulties with outward sale of their fruits and agro-products in other areas. Despite years of bumper harvests, their income has not increased appropriately. Since 2012, with the support of relevant departments, local government in Xinjiang has increased subsidies to improve facilities for primary processing of ago-products in growing areas. The facts drawn from our field survey show that the government in Xinjiang has increased farmers’ income, promoted the development of fruit and vegetable processing industry and ensured employment of farmers and social stability through capital integration and technical guidance. However, there still remain some problems like difficulty in capital integration, high cost in the operation of equipment, ineffective quality supervision and insufficient follow-up services. It is suggested that the local government improve the standardization of capital integration, extend financial support through the establishment of a three-tiered processing system including farmers, cooperatives and enterprises, enforce on-the-job training and quality supervision, build industrial clusters to reduce logistics cost, and render supporting policy measures to farmers relating to the utilization of electricity and land.

Key words: primary processing of agricultural products in growing areas, effect evaluation, Xinjiang
