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Coordinated Natural Gas Development for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei: Necessities, General Requirements and Main Tasks(No.4, 2016)


By Guo Jiaofeng, Gao Shiji and Hong Tao, Research Team on “Strategies for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Coordinated Natural Gas Development”, Research Institute of Resources and Environment Policies, DRC

Research Report No.4, 2016 (Total 5079) 2017-01-11

Abstract: Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei province are adjacent to one another. Due to cross-area and common ecological and environmental problems, they face the same ecological environment and have to make joint efforts for cross-area treatment. The fundamental solution to addressing environmental problems of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei lies in transforming the coal-based energy consumption mix and promoting use of clean energy. For quite a long time in the future before solar power, wind power and other new energy become technically economic, natural gas will remain one of China’s main energy sources as well as an necessary option for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to make leading breakthroughs in ecological and environmental protection. Therefore, the government needs to find solutions beyond relying on existing resources and adopt the following measures for a way out. It needs to establish a modern market system, an inter-connective pipeline system, a coordinated regulatory system and a security system for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei natural gas development, accelerate the formation of an integrated market and thus establish a coordinated natural gas development system in line with the principle of co-construction with shared management and common benefits for Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

Key words: coordinated natural gas development, general requirements, main tasks, necessities, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
