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Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference held in Japan

( drc.gov.cn ) 2017-04-27

Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference held in Japan

The 35th Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference is held at Matsue city, Shimane prefecture, Japan from April 20 to 21.[photo/drc.gov.cn]

The 35th Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference was held at Matsue city, Shimane prefecture, Japan from April 20 to 21.

Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference held in Japan

DRC President Li Wei speaks at the opening ceremony. [photo/drc.gov.cn]

DRC President Li Wei, and Toshihiko Fukui, former president of the Bank of Japan, attended the opening ceremony.

Sino-Japan economic knowledge conference held in Japan

China's and Japanese delegation at the opening ceremony of the conference.[photo/drc.gov.cn]

Delegates from government departments and enterprises in China and Japan exchanged views on world economic growth, new driving forces of the Chinese and Japanese economies, and cooperation between China and Japan.

The conference was held for the first time in 1980 at the suggestion of former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping. Its aim is to discuss issues in the Chinese and Japanese economies and to share knowledge and experiences in economic development between the two countries. Over the past three decades the conference has become an important platform for China and Japan to learn from each other and promote their economic cooperation.
