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China's Innovative Development in the Transitional Period: Present Performance and Problems(No. 118, 2017)


By Lu Wei, Dai Jianjun & Xiong Hongru, Research Team on “Strategic Policies on Leading Economic Development in the State of New Normal”, DRC

Research Report No. 118, 2017 (Total. 5193) 2017-9-15

Abstract: At present, China is experiencing an innovation-driven development in the new era. Although it has entered the third echelon on the world innovation list, there are still many weak links in China's innovative development compared with that of developed countries. It has become China’s basic task in the transitional period to break the institutional bottleneck in terms of insufficient innovation power and capability. The following five major issues merit our high consideration. First, there is a sharp shortage of blue-collar workers with high professional knowledge, and the incentive mechanism for the cultivation of innovative personnel is inadequate. Second, the original innovation capability is not strong. Third, the channels for market-oriented application of scientific and technological results are not smooth, which have checked the enhancement of innovation efficiency. Fourth, the enterprise innovation level is limited, without adequate innovation power and ability. Fifth, the government has not yet changed its function in place, restricting the industrial innovation and development. The main future task needs to focus on the key problems and the key issues, take into consideration both the short-term and long-term issues, deepen the reform of key areas, improve the institutional mechanisms, and refine and implement relevant policies so as to improve the national motivation and innovation capability across the board.

Key words: innovation development, mechanism, current situation, problem
