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An Analysis of Basic Performance of China’s Listed Banks in 2016(No.123, 2017)

By Chen Ning & Wang Gang, Research Institute of Finance, DRC

Research report No.123, 2017 (Total 5198) 2017-9-25

Abstract: The transformation and upgrading of China’s economy are making swift advance and the supply-side structural reform is pushed forward in an orderly manner. In the context of sluggish global economic recovery, listed banks in China are actively implementing the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. By fleshing out their operating concepts and rearranging personnel structure and the distribution of outlets, they have made some achievements in improving services. However, listed banks still face some problems. For example, the incentive mechanism is short of long-term measures, the rebound pressure of non-performing assets is rather high, the risk control of inter-bank and off-balance-sheet businesses needs to be strengthened, the profitability needs to be improved, and the differential management is weak. This paper gives an analysis of the annual reports disclosed by 37 listed banks in China and reveals the major problems and challenges facing the listed banks from the perspective of asset-liability ratio, profit-earning capacity, risk control, institutional layout and financial and hi-tech system construction. According to the analysis, the banking sector will face a more complex and volatile business environment. We need to expedite the strategic transformation of listed banks by implementing the new development concepts and enhancing the awareness of risk management and compliance management.

Key words: listed banks, financial data, situation analysis
