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Strengthen the Green Evaluation on Enterprises’ Performance and Promote the Green Transformation of Economy
-- Investigation on Huzhou and Jiaxing Cities in Zhejiang Province(No.155, 2017)


By Gu Shuzhong & Li Weiming, Resources and Environment Policies, DRC; Hu Yongjun, Tsinghua University; & Zhang Liqin, Huzhou Teachers’ College

Research report No.155, 2017 (Total 5230) 2017-11-23

Abstract: Strengthening the green evaluation on enterprises’ performance and implementing differentiated resource allocation and pricing policies are important ways to deepen the supply-side structural reform, solve the problems constraining the development of factors and stimulate the development of the endogenous power of enterprises. Huzhou and Jiaxing cities in Zhejiang Province launched the green evaluation on enterprises’ performance in 2013 and since then they have fixed up the evaluation items and key indicators by making clear the relations between evaluations and working mechanism, establishing the standards for different enterprises and strengthening the application of the results of green evaluation. Progress has been made in getting to know the overall ecological performance of enterprises, eliminating backward and excess production capacity, improving the quality and efficiency of the economy, advancing industrial restructuring, transformation and upgrading, and stepping up industrial agglomeration and clustering development. Such practice and experience make good reference for other parts of China. It is suggested that, on the national level, the green evaluation of enterprises’ performance should be extensively carried out to promote the development of green transformation of the economy. The emphasis should be placed on raising the level of awareness while pushing forward the task in step with the main line of work. Measures should be taken in accordance with local conditions to enhance coordinated development. We need to establish environmental management and protection account relating to enterprises’ performance, work out evaluation methods in a proper manner and apply the evaluation results in practice in line with relevant supporting policies.

Key words: green evaluation, green transformation of the enterprises, Huzhou and Jiaxing cities in Zhejiang Province, enlightenments
