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Policy Options on Fleshing out the Countermeasures and Insurance System for Risk Management in Resisting Flood and Waterlogging Disasters(No. 50, 2018)


By Gu Shuzhong, Li Weiming, Ding Liuqian, Li Na, Wang Yanyan, Zhang Nianqiang, Ding Zhixiong, Han Song, Jiang Furen & Yu Qian, Research Team on “China’s Water Treatment”, Research Institute of Resources and Environment Policies

Research Report No. 50, 2018 (Total. 5325) 2018-3-19

Abstract: Frequent flood and waterlogging disasters have severely checked China’s economic and social development. Since the founding of new China, the government has launched a raft of flood control works along major rivers and in different regions and urban areas, implemented a number of non-engineering measures to prevent and alleviate disasters and achieved remarkable results. However, there still exist some drawbacks in different regions, which are mainly related to the following aspects: the construction of major projects, the treatment of small and medium-sized rivers, flood control and drainage projects in urban areas, land development and utilization, flood risk management, flood control and emergency measures as well as the participation of non-governmental entities in natural disaster alleviation work among others. With the escalating global climate changes, the rapid development of urbanization and the swift social and economic progress, China will face a more challenging flood-control situation. In view of the above-mentioned issues, we need to take into account the factors causing flood disasters and their development trend, establish a flood management system, strengthen land utilization and regulation, flesh out flood control and drainage projects, improve emergency management measures relating to flood and waterlogging risks, set up a national flood insurance system, amplify relevant insurance types and establish and enhance flood control management and insurance system.

Key words: risk management, flood insurance, flood prevention and disaster alleviation, flood and waterlogging disasters
