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Policy Options on Stepping up the Development of the New Type of Smart Machine Tools(No.56, 2018)


By Zhang Yongwei & Lu Feng, Research Team on “The Industrial and Enterprise Reform under the Background of Internet of Everything and Intelligent Management”, Enterprise Research Institute, DRC

Research report No.56, 2018 (Total 5331)2018-3-27

Abstract: Machine tools are major industrial tools and they represent a nation’s capacity in industrialization and scientific and technological development. Over the past ten years, traditional machine tools have seen accelerated upgrading through digitalization as well as the application of network and smart technologies. Online interactivity between machine tools, as well as between machine tools and other production equipment such as robots, has been realized through the Internet, which has brought about significant changes to the machine tool industry, including the progress of service-oriented manufacturing industry, the construction of smart factories and the cultivation of industrial ecosystem based on processing services. In developing the new type of smart machine tools, China boasts first-mover advantages in the industry bolstered by strong domestic demand and a solid foundation of the network information technology whereas the leading industries in the world are facing the challenges of inertia in upgrading and the pressure of self-substitution in a saturated market. It is suggested that while relying on the market mechanism to promote industrial innovation, the government should give sufficient time and tolerance to innovators, encourage cross-sector innovation, support the transformation and development of key machine tool enterprises, shore up the promotion and application of home-made smart machine tools from the demand side, and strengthen data legislation and management to ensure smooth utilization.

Key words: the new type of smart machine tools, industrial reform, policy options
