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Innovate Agricultural Management System: Basic Approach and Policy Options(No.64, 2018)


By Ye Xingqing, Research Department of Rural Economy, DRC

Research report No.64, 2018 (Total 5339) 2018-4-11

Abstract: The innovation of agricultural management system should focus on improving labor productivity in agriculture and agricultural competitiveness, and concentrate on promoting production-oriented, service-oriented and agglomeration-oriented scale operation. While keeping balance between perseverance and urgency for fulfilling the historical mission, we need to seek balance between the development of the above-mentioned three types of scale operation, as well as the balance between government guidance and market forces. Based on the practical experience summed up in different areas, we need to take the following measures to promote innovation in the agricultural management system. We need to agglomerate separated and fragmented land based on topography, landforms and land contractor’s qualification in line with scale management and the separation of land ownership right, contracting right and management right. While limiting land contracting right, we need to flesh out the grain purchasing and stockpiling policy and land consolidation mechanism and build a scale operation-oriented supporting policy system. We need to vigorously develop the outsourcing market of agricultural service and encourage farmers who have returned to their homeland to engage in agricultural scale operations. Through the regional planning of major and distinctive agricultural products and the building of agricultural industrial parks and hi-tech business incubators, we need to strive to promote agglomeration-oriented scale operation.

Key words: production-oriented scale operation, service-oriented scale operation, agglomeration-oriented scale operation
