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China Should Strengthen the Comprehensive Management of the Ecological System of Qinling Mountains to the Benefits of National Ecological Safety (No.123, 2018)


By Gu Shuzhong, Gao Shiji, Li Weiming, Lei Guangchun, Xu Weihua & Huang Wenqing, Research Team on “The Comprehensive Management of Qinling Ecological System”, Institute of Resources and Environment Policies, DRC

Research Report, No.123, 2018 (Total 5398) 2018-8-7

Abstract: Qinling Mountains are particularly important in China’s ecological safety system. President Xi Jinping has made several instructions on the issue of the ecological environment in Qinling Mountains. It is indispensable for China to strengthen the comprehensive management of the ecological system in Qinling Mountains so as to build ecological civilization and promote green development in China. In recent years, the management of ecological system in Qinling Mountains has seen initial progress. However, problems and challenges are still prominent mainly in terms of the weak law enforcement, incomplete systems, unsophisticated mechanism and outdated approaches. Therefore, the Chinese Central Government, Shaanxi Provincial Government and local governments of the cities and counties in Shaanxi Province should lose no time in making joint efforts to build ecological civilization pilot zones, reform the management mechanism of natural resources and ecological environment and promote a series of trials to innovate relevant mechanisms. The authorities should also continue to launch relevant projects and enhance the capability of local sectors in charge in terms of monitoring and evaluating the ecological environment. Relevant sectors should improve the capability and quality of comprehensively managing the ecological system in Qinling Mountains across the board to build the mountains into a beautiful natural reserve where local ecological environment is well-protected in an exemplary manner.

Key words: ecological civilization construction, comprehensive management of ecological system, green development, Qinling Mountains
