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New Industrial Revolution and Global Economic Governance: Development Trend and Policy Options
--Report on Study Tour to Germany and Britain (No.138, 2018)


By Gong Sen & Fang Jin, Members of Study Group to Germany and Britain, DRC

Research Report, No.138, 2018 (Total 5413) 2018-8-28

Abstract: The world cannot but to face up to the new industrial revolution and de-globalization. Centering on the above-mentioned two issues, DRC sent a study group to Germany and Britain in early June 2018. Members of the group visited the Byton Company, Bosch Corporation, Audi Study Center and relevant enterprises in Germany and attended “UK-China Reform and Innovation Forum” and “UK-China Development Forum” in Britain. The research findings show that China needs to further enhance the cooperation with Germany and Britain in the new industrial revolution and global economic governance and work together to promote sustainable development. Against the backdrop of the new industrial revolution, we need to stick to the principle of openness and international cooperation, put people first and provide sound in-service training and vocational education for the working staff. It should be noted that based on the Western values, the global economic governance could no longer work. We need to grasp the opportunities to conduct research and dialogue on major issues relating to global development, advance innovations pertinent to relevant concepts, institutions, mechanisms and organizational structure and build a multi-level community of shared future through multiple channels.

Key words: new industrial revolution, global economic governance, Belt and Road Initiative, green development
